Intellisense for GO_SQL

How to get Intellisense for go_Sql in Pro

In the command prompt (after installing the pro tools) give
DO tools\sqltest

Then give
? go_sql. and you will get intellisense

For programs, give this

#IF 0
LOCAL go_Sql AS sbtmgrsql of sbtsql.vcx
LOCAL lo_t AS sbtcmpsql of sbtsql.vcx

Now give
go_sql. to get intellisense for go_sql
lo_t. to get intellisense for lo_t and then change it to the table object.

You can also give LOCAL variables like
LOCAL lo_Arcust AS sbtcmpsql of sbtsql.vcx

lo_arcust = ThisFormSet.so_PI.m_GetRef("data.arcust")
lo_arcust. to get intellisense

In VFP 9, you can also give this in the WITH construct, like

WITH lo_Arcust AS sbtcmpsql OF sbtsql.vcx


Anonymous said...

Where do I get the PRO TOOLS

Sankaran Raman said...

You can get the Protools from the Sage Web site. Since the site has been changed recently, I do not have the latest URL, but you can check with Sage.