Tip to quickly add a menu to Sage Pro ERP 7.4

In Sage Pro ERP 7.4, the old menu system has been dropped for a new data driven menu.
Question now is how to add a new menu. To do this, you can use the tasklist and add it to the Master scheme. This will add it to the menu also. Problem is that Sage Pro, by default does not let you edit the Master scheme.

To allow for editing this add a Windows environment variable called "PROALLOWTASKLIST" and set it to "ON". Then load Sage Pro and you can right click on the Master scheme to add a new menu.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please, we are needing documentation related with menu customization, any idea where to find it?
We need to add menu option to maintain or transaction menu applications... please, could you help us?...

Send info related, to: ycedeno@omcgroup.com

Thanks in advance!