Store and bin maintenance improvements in Sage Pro ERP 7.4

In Sage Pro 7.4, there are three enhancements (that I can think of) to store/bin:

1. Ability to assign default store/bin per item location: One for receiving and one for shipping.

2. In IC Change setup information, there is an option to prevent use of empty store/bin when receiving (does not clean up past data but in future when entering a PO receipt or Item receipt or Work order completion, you cannot save with a blank store bin)

3. Privilege to allow creating store/bin on the fly. With this, you can prevent specific users from trying to create store/bins that are not there in the system.

ODBC issue with VFP 9

You cannot use ODBC with Visual FoxPro 9.0. Instead you have to use ADO (OLEDB). Unlike ODBC which gives a result set normally as a cursor, ADO gives the result set as an object (Dataset in .Net).

I tried this from within VFP (assuming a database named prodata and tables named syccomp, arcust99 in that database) and it worked.
Here is what I did:

oConn = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Connection")
oConn.ConnectionString = "provider=vfpoledb.1;;
data source=.\prodata.dbc"
? oconn.Execute("Select * from syccomp")
lo =oconn.Execute("Select * from syccomp")
? lo.Fields[1].value
ln = 1

lo =oconn.Execute("Select * from arcust99", @ln)
? ln
? lo.Fields[1].value
? lo.Fields[0].value

You can use "DIM" to create the object in VB and use the Execute to get to the VFP data.

Do not use .F. or .T. as part of your item ID in Sage Pro ERP

If you have a .F. or a .T. as part of your item ID (like 10.F.Sheet), Sage Pro will allow you to save the item, but when you enter a SO and save the line using that item, it will give an error that no location is found. This will happen even if you have a valid location for that item.

This is caused because Sage Pro parses the value and change it to a 0 or a 1 and hence the item ID search does not work fine.

Tip to quickly add a menu to Sage Pro ERP 7.4

In Sage Pro ERP 7.4, the old menu system has been dropped for a new data driven menu.
Question now is how to add a new menu. To do this, you can use the tasklist and add it to the Master scheme. This will add it to the menu also. Problem is that Sage Pro, by default does not let you edit the Master scheme.

To allow for editing this add a Windows environment variable called "PROALLOWTASKLIST" and set it to "ON". Then load Sage Pro and you can right click on the Master scheme to add a new menu.

Intellisense for GO_SQL

How to get Intellisense for go_Sql in Pro

In the command prompt (after installing the pro tools) give
DO tools\sqltest

Then give
? go_sql. and you will get intellisense

For programs, give this

#IF 0
LOCAL go_Sql AS sbtmgrsql of sbtsql.vcx
LOCAL lo_t AS sbtcmpsql of sbtsql.vcx

Now give
go_sql. to get intellisense for go_sql
lo_t. to get intellisense for lo_t and then change it to the table object.

You can also give LOCAL variables like
LOCAL lo_Arcust AS sbtcmpsql of sbtsql.vcx

lo_arcust = ThisFormSet.so_PI.m_GetRef("data.arcust")
lo_arcust. to get intellisense

In VFP 9, you can also give this in the WITH construct, like

WITH lo_Arcust AS sbtcmpsql OF sbtsql.vcx