find out which classlibrary your form belongs to here is what you can do:
- Ensure the form you want to know is the currently selected one.
- Press Ctrl+F9 (ensure you are running from VFP and have SBTDUTIL=ON).
- In the command window give
MESSAGEBOX( _screen.ActiveForm.Parent.ClassLibrary)
- It will show the class library the form belongs to.
Further, if you are now interested in seeing when a property changes in that
formset you can give
PUBLIC lo_FormSet
Lo_FormSet = _screen.ActiveForm.Parent
Then in the watch window you can use lo_FormSet.so_FS.sc_Sono (or whatever
property you want to track)
Note: If you use the PUBLIC lo_FormSet, you will not be able to close the
formset w/o releasing the variable. To do this, in the command window give
Release lo_formset before you try to close the form.
- Sankaran Raman